-24 %

Dried Lemon

Original price was: 84.90₺.Current price is: 64.90₺.


-12 %

Dried Melon

Original price was: 84.90₺.Current price is: 74.90₺.
-12 %

Dried Chili Pepper

Original price was: 84.90₺.Current price is: 74.90₺.
-23 %

Dried Apple

Original price was: 64.90₺.Current price is: 49.90₺.
-24 %

Dried Eggplant

Original price was: 84.90₺.Current price is: 64.90₺.


-12 %

Dried Watermelon

Original price was: 84.90₺.Current price is: 74.90₺.


-13 %

Dried tomatoes

Original price was: 79.90₺.Current price is: 69.90₺.


-21 %

Dried Bell Pepper

Original price was: 94.90₺.Current price is: 74.90₺.


-23 %

Dried Pear

Original price was: 64.90₺.Current price is: 49.90₺.
-23 %

Dried Orange

Original price was: 64.90₺.Current price is: 49.90₺.


dried fruitsIt is a very rich food group in terms of nutritional values. When fresh fruit may not be available all year dried fruitsIt can be preferred as an alternative that is rich in vitamins and minerals and can be stored for a long time.

dried orangeIt is known as a vitamin C store. In addition, thanks to the antioxidants in its content, it strengthens the immune system and supports digestive health.

dried pearThanks to its fibrous structure, it contributes to the health of the digestive system. The potassium it contains is beneficial for heart health.

dried appleThanks to its high fiber content, it helps to keep blood sugar under control. At the same time, it strengthens the immune system thanks to the polyphenol antioxidants in its content.

dried watermelon, offers a healthy snack option with low calorie content. Thanks to the lycopene antioxidant in its content, it can protect cells from harmful free radicals.

dried melonThanks to its vitamin A and beta-carotene content, it contributes to eye health. In addition, thanks to its high fiber content, it supports the health of the digestive system.

dried plumThanks to its antioxidants, it protects cells from free radicals. At the same time, it is among the healthy snacks with its low calorie.

dried pineappleThanks to the bromelain enzyme in its content, it supports the digestive system. It can also reduce inflammation in the body, thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties.

To Strengthen Your Immune System;

Eating right is one of the most important ways to strengthen the immune system. For this, it is necessary to adopt a nutrition model in which more vegetables, fruits and whole grain foods are consumed, and red meat, processed meat products and sugar are consumed less. In addition, it is necessary to regularly make room for some foods that strengthen the immune system thanks to the antioxidants, vitamins and minerals they contain.

To Strengthen Your Immune System;

Eating right is one of the most important ways to strengthen the immune system. For this, it is necessary to adopt a nutrition model in which more vegetables, fruits and whole grain foods are consumed, and red meat, processed meat products and sugar are consumed less. In addition, it is necessary to regularly make room for some foods that strengthen the immune system thanks to the antioxidants, vitamins and minerals they contain.

dried fruitshas an important place in a healthy nutrition program. However, since the component called "gamma tocopherol" in some foods such as oilseeds is effective in fighting cancer, it is recommended to include such foods in your diet. dried orange Fruits rich in vitamin C, such as fruits and vegetables, can strengthen your immune system. dried pear Fiber-rich fruits like apples and apples can contribute to digestive health. dried watermelonIt is rich in potassium and can regulate blood pressure. dried melon It is rich in vitamins A and C and can support the immune system. dried plum It is rich in iron, magnesium and potassium. Dried pineapple, on the other hand, can contribute to the health of the digestive system with its bromelin enzyme content.

Vegan Dried Fruit Flavors

dried fruits, vegan dietis an important part of. Both delicious and healthy, these snacks are packed with a variety of vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

Dried fruits with different types can be consumed in many different ways. For example, sweet fruits such as dried apricots and figs can be preferred both as a snack alone or with oatmeal or yogurt. You can also consume raisins as a snack or use them in your salads.

Dried fruits can also be a great alternative for those on a vegan diet. They can be used in breakfast recipes, especially in recipes like granola or chia pudding. You can also use dried fruit to add more flavor to smoothies.

As a result, dried fruits are both delicious and nutritious and play an important role in a vegan diet. You can easily include dried fruits in your daily diet, which offers options suitable for everyone's taste with its variety.

Happy Sun dried fruitsis a choice that will make you happy with its authentic flavors and healthy snack options. dried fruitsIt is obtained by extracting the juice of the naturally sweet fruit. In this way, they retain the fruit's antioxidants, fiber and other nutrients.

Happy Sun dried fruitsTo prevent deficiencies and one-sided feeding, it not only provides essential nutrients, but also provides an alternative that is enriching in flavor and variety. dried fruitsThey are a particularly preferred type of food because they are both "ready to eat" and easy to carry.

dried apricotscontains high amounts of beta-carotene and acts as vitamin A in your body. Raisins are rich in potassium, iron and B vitamins and give energy. Dates are a natural source of sugar and contain fiber, iron and magnesium.

Happy Sun dried fruits By taking part in a mixed diet, it can be easily incorporated into a healthy lifestyle. veganThey also offer a great alternative for For example, raisins and dates are sources of vitamin B2 (riboflavin) and help vegans meet this need. Moreover, dried fruits Since they are naturally sweet, they also make it easier for you to make a healthy choice during sweet cravings.

dried vegetablesThey offer a healthy and delicious snack or meal alternative. Happy Sun dried vegetablesIt not only provides essential nutrients, but is also enriching in flavor and variety, to prevent hemorrhoids, deficiencies and one-sided feeding.

Aubergine, tomatoes, bell pepper And chile pepper Vegetables such as vegetables, after drying, cause their flavors to intensify and their aromas to become stronger. dried eggplantIt is rich in iron and potassium and has antioxidant properties. Dried tomatoesIt is a source of lycopene and is heart-friendly. Dried bell pepperIt contains important nutrients such as vitamin C, calcium and iron. chili pepper It is rich in vitamins A and C, beta-carotene and antioxidants.

Happy Sun dried vegetablesBy taking part in a mixed diet, it helps to provide the nutrients your body needs. Especially veganThey offer a great alternative for Since dried vegetables are easy to carry in their bag, they can be consumed at any time as a healthy snack. They can also be used to add a different taste and aroma to dishes.

Dried Fruits and Vegetables

A Healthy and Long Life with Dried Vegetables and Dried Fruit Varieties

Natural foods are among the foods you prefer for a healthy diet. dry fruit And dried vegetablesare also included. While these products contribute to a healthy life with the beneficial vitamins and minerals they contain, they also offer a delicious alternative. Dried fruits and vegetables, which are ideal as a snack, especially for users who want to diet. dried vegetablesThey can also meet your sweet needs with their natural sugar content. dried vegetablesYou can also find the opportunity to consume vegetables that you cannot consume in season in meals made with vegetables. dried vegetablesSince the cooking time is short, they are a practical option and add flavor and color to your meals. Different from each other from the manufacturer to the user dry fruit And dried vegetables You can create healthy and delicious alternatives with its options. A great combination with muesli or yogurt for breakfast. dry fruitThey can also be used in salads or meals. dried vegetablesSoups, meals and salads made with vegetables offer a healthy and delicious alternative. dried vegetablesYou can add a different flavor to your meals thanks to the use of these products and at the same time, you can avoid using unnecessary oil. Your natural choice for a healthy diet dry fruit And dried vegetablesThey provide a delicious snack or meal alternative, as well as ensuring you get the vitamins and minerals your body needs.

Dried Fruit Benefits

dried fruitshas an important place for a healthy eating habit. These nutrients meet the body's energy needs. lower cholesterol levelproduce, balancing blood sugarIt is also effective and reduces the risk of heart diseases. This high performance due to its natural structure provides a noticeable change in people who prefer nuts. You can consume nuts, which help your body regain natural oils, in appropriate amounts according to your movement status. However, your daily movement frequency and weight should also be taken into account when consuming nuts. If you have an active lifestyle and do sports, you can consume nuts rich in fat. However, lose weight People who want it should be careful because these products are in some cases. fat burningmay have an inhibitory effect. With this, dietwhen used correctly, skin healthwhat and body viewYou can provide a feeling of satiety thanks to the nuts options that have a positive effect. DietIts main purpose is to shrink your stomach and make your body more a fit lookthat it has. Therefore, nuts can be an effective formula for your diet.

Happy Sun Dried Fruits

There is a question you often encounter in riddle-style puzzles: "What is dried fruit?" There are different answers to the dried fruit puzzle. For example, buruç, kak, chir, gag, gah, tasut, aken, chekem. After starting with general knowledge, namely the dried fruit puzzle answer, we will now go into the details of the event.

How to Produce Dried Fruits?

Let's start with the question of how to make dried fruit. There are several basic methods for drying fruit. Let us even give you a little tip; You can find methods of drying fruits even at home in this article. Don't hesitate to ask how to make dried fruit at home, because it can be done in a very practical and healthy way.

What are the Fruit Drying Techniques?

One of the fruit drying methods is industrial drying. In this method, called the closed drying system, the fruits are placed in a cabinet placed on special shelves and the fruits are dried in a way that preserves all their nutritional values by controlling the temperature and humidity values ideally. This system is a very complex and energy-consuming drying method and works with natural gas or electricity.

As for the fruit drying process in a natural environment; Washed and sliced fruits are placed in perforated crates and left to dry outdoors with the help of sun and wind. In order for the fruits to dry more healthily and homogeneously, the fruits are turned upside down regularly when necessary.

When drying fruit at home, fruit drying machines can be used. These machines are home versions of industrial fruit drying systems and operate with constant temperature and humidity levels. This method is a healthier and preferable option compared to manual methods such as drying fruits on the stove or on the balcony.

What are the Most Popular Dried Fruits?

Now let's talk about the most preferred dried fruits. Many different dried fruits are produced and sold in our country. While some appeal to niche markets, others are dried fruits that can be purchased by almost anyone. Here is our list of best-selling dried fruit:

  • Dried Pineapple or Pineapple Chips
  • Dried Pear or Pear Chips
  • Dried Persimmon, Dried Persimmon or Dried Paradise Apple
  • Slice of Paradise Date or Paradise Date Chips
  • Dried Strawberries or Strawberry Chips
  • Fresh Fig Slices, Dried Fig Slices, Dried Fresh Figs or Fig Chips
  • Dried Apple or Apple Chips
  • Dried Plum or Plum Chips
  • Mixed Dried Fruit, Special Dried Fruit or Dried Fruit Mix
  • Carob, Dried Carob or Carob Fruit
  • Dried Figs or Dried Figs
  • Raisins or Dried Grapes
  • Dried Lemon or Lemon Chips
  • Dried Tangerine or Tangerine Chips
  • Dried Orange or Orange Chips
  • Dried Peach or Peach Chips

Is There Sugar in Natural Dried Fruits?

Natural dried fruits are products obtained by naturally drying fruits. Therefore, natural fruit dried fruits contain natural fruit sugars. Fruit drying means drying fruits in the sun, wind or in a closed environment without adding additives. In this process, the flavor and benefits of the fruit are preserved. Natural dried fruit is considered an option rich in vitamins and minerals and contains fruit sugars.

Is There Gluten in Dried Fruits?

Dried fruits are considered gluten-free foods. Gluten is a protein structure found in grains, and dried fruits do not contain grains.

However, dried fruits may have come into contact with gluten-containing ingredients while being packaged. Therefore, for people with gluten allergies, it is important to choose gluten-free dried fruits.

What are the Harms of Dried Fruits Containing Additives? During the production process of dried fruits, they may be coated with gluten-containing substances. A coating is a layer spread over dried fruit and usually contains ingredients such as sugar, milk, and grains. Therefore, coated dried fruits may contain gluten. This situation